
Lesson 08 Lyrics

Foundation (8-hour) course: CD 1 Track 8 Review course
CD 1 Track 8

0:00 I eat mangio 
0:33 he eats / she eats / you eat mangia 
0:44 For verbs ending in -are: -o for 'I' and -a for 'you, he, she, it' ✗
0:55 We have three types of verbs: -are (mangiare, parlare, andare),
-ere (vedere), -ire (partire, venire). All verbs can be divided into
two tracks: verbs that end in -are and verbs that don't end in -are.
For 'I' you usually have an 'o' on both tracks. For 'he, she, it' and
'you' on the -are track, use 'a' (parla). For the other verbs,
use 'e' (vede). ✗
1:04 to go andare 
1:12 to see vedere 
1:20 to come venire 

2:06 I speak parlo 
2:12 you speak / he speaks / parla
she speaks 
2:33 I see vedo 
2:42 you see vede 
2:52 to take prendere 
2:57 I take prendo 
3:00 you take / you're taking prende 
3:07 I'm taking it. Lo prendo. 
3:16 You're taking it. Lo prende. 
3:22 Why don't you take it? Perché non lo prende? 

3:31 In English there are three ways to express the present tense:
I take it, I do take it, I'm taking it. In Italian there is one way:
lo prendo. ✗
3:57 In modern English you use 'do' and 'don't' for questions and
negatives and you use the progressive tense with -ing. In the
English of Shakespeare and of the King James Bible, English
was much closer to the Italian verb forms. ✗
5:29 I am sono 
5:33 I am eating mangio 
6:00 I don't speak non parlo 
6:15 Yes, I speak Italian but I Sì, parlo italiano, ma non
don't speak French. parlo francese. ✗
6:28 In speaking it's very important to observe 'traffic signals' and not
to go through the 'red light', i.e. -ing, 'do' and 'don't'. They are
not used in Italian. ✗
6:52 I don't eat non mangio 
7:03 I'm not busy. Non sono occupato (occupata). 
7:22 I'm not eating non mangio 
7:27 I don't eat non mangio 
OTRA VERSION DE AYUDA----------------------------
(8) 8.01
I eat mangio
you eat mangia
(these endings apply for all verbs ending -are. There are three types of verbs, but all verbs can be divided into two "tracks", the -are track and a track for all the others. For the -are track, the ending for "I" is -o and the ending for "you, he, she, it" is -a. For the other track, the ending for "I" is still -o, but the ending for the "you, he, she, it" is -e)
to go andare
to come venire
I see vedo
you see vede
to take prendere
I take prendo
you take prende
I am taking it lo prendo
you are taking it lo prende
why don't you take it? perché non lo prende?
(In English, we have three ways to express the present tense: "I take it", "I do take it", "I am taking it". In Italian, all three are translated in one way: lo prendo "I take it")
I am sono
I am eating mangio
I don't speak non parlo
French francese
yes I speak Italian but I don't speak French sì parlo italiano ma non parlo francese
I don't eat non mangio
I am not busy non sono occupato
I am not eating non mangio
I don't eat non mangio
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