
おしゃかしゃま Lyrics

願って拝んでても いつしか
そうさ僕ら人類が 神様に
気付いたらなってたの 何様なのさ


偶然の一致か 運命の合致
はたまた 自分勝手スケッチ
あっち こっちそっちってどっち

来世があったって 仮に無くたって だから何だって言うんだ
生まれ変わったって 変わらなくたって んなこたぁどうだっていいんだ
人はいつだって 全て好き勝手 なんとかって言った連鎖の
上に立ったって なおもてっぺんが あるんだって言い張んだよ

もしもこの僕が神様ならば 全てを決めてもいいなら
7日間で世界を作るような 真似はきっと僕はしないだろう
きっともっとちゃんと時間をかけて また きちっとした計画を立てて
だって焦って急いで 作ったせいで 切って張って 作って壊して

増やして減らして 減らしたら増やして
なして どうして ってなんでかって?
「?」出したフリして 分かってるくせして
「話して 聞かせて なんでなんで」

だって なんてったって

馬鹿は死なないと治らない なら考えたって仕方がない
さぁ来世のおいらに期待大 でも待って じゃあ現世はどうすんだい
さぁ無茶しよう そんで苦茶しよう 二つ合わさって無茶苦茶にしよう
さぁ有耶しよう そんで無耶しよう 二つ合わさって有耶無耶にしよう

だからなんだって ダメになったって 先があんだって言うんだ
なぜになんだって ポイしちゃっといて 次はなんだって言うんだ
だがしかしbut けどけれどyet 何をどうやっていいんだ
何を言ったって 何をやったって ダメだダメだって言うんだ

ならば どうすればいい? どこに向かえばいい
いてもいなくなっても いけないならば どこに

来世があったって 仮に無くたって だから何だって言うんだ
生まれ変わったって 変わらなくたって んなこたぁどうだっていいんだ
天国行ったって 地獄だったって だからなんだって言うんだ
上じゃなくたって 下じゃなくたって 横にだって道はあんだ

Is it okay, is it okay,
Is it okay for me to like someone this much?
Is it okay, is it okay,
Is it okay for me to believe in someone this much?

My favorite food is fried chicken
Oh, and also my mom's homemade chicken with ankake sauce,
But neither of them can win, neither rival you.
If you were the meal, then I could have
50 helpings of donburi - though if I say that,
You'll say something like "well then, try it,"
But that was all just a metaphor.
Well if I'm told to do it, since I'm a man,
Since Furano is cold, since I like you,
Since I want you to understand me just a little bit...
By the way, I don't mean anything weird by "meal," so don't hate me, okay?

Is it okay, is it okay,
Is it okay for me to like someone this much?
Is it okay, is it okay,
Is it okay for me to believe in someone this much?

It's okay, it's okay, if it's the person you've chosen.
It's okay, it's okay, if it's the path you've chosen.

I wonder how many times I've made you cry?
And compared to that, how many times I've been able to make you smile?
Moreover, you happen to have that combination technique
Where you cry with happiness, so I lose track of the rest.

I should just repeat "I'm sorry" and "Thank you".
The ratio is pretty evenly 50-50,
But if for example, I've said each 999,999 times and I'm facing my last moment,
"Thank you" will win for sure,
It'll definitely reach that one millionth time.
Because, because, because because because,
Because the last words I'll say in this world will be "thank you" to you.

Is it okay, is it okay,
Is it okay for me to like someone this much?
Is it okay, is it okay,
Is it okay for me to fall this hard?

It's okay, it's okay, if it's the person you desire.
It's okay, it's okay, if it's the path you desire.

When I searched for the meaning of being with you, the answer was to live through tomorrow.
When I searched for the meaning of living through tomorrow, the answer was to be with you.

Is it okay, is it okay,
Is it okay for me to like someone this much?
Is it okay, is it okay,
Is it okay for me to believe in someone this much?

It's okay, it's okay, if it's the person you love.
It's okay, it's okay...

Is it okay, is it okay,
Is it okay for me to like someone this much?
Is it okay, is it okay,
Is it okay for me to believe in someone this much?

It's okay, it's okay, if it's the person you've chosen.
It's okay, it's okay, I'd actually rather you be that way.

Is it okay, is it okay,
Is it okay for me to like someone this much?
It's okay, it's okay,
If it's the person you've chosen,
If it's the person you love,
If it's the person you desire.
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