
What Time Is It Lyrics

Let's cut da c*** and serious
Cuz I'm back 2 base and that's what it is
It ain't right, what is goin' on
These r killin' fields and it's wrong
Nobody know all da facts
U can c da way we react
1 Day we'll pay 4 da thangs we did
Now tell me what time is it?
Oh oh oh, can you tell me what time?
Oh oh oh, I wanna know da time
Oh oh oh, Tell me where r we goin'?
Oh oh oh, Tell me where r we blowin'?
Confusion's da reason
Why we don't know what's da season
We don't understand 1 another
and so we destroy our very mother
We're headed 4 total destruction
If we go on without deep induction
Stand up and fight, no time 2 sit
Almost 2 late, what time is it?

Show it, life's a tramp and u know it
It's all in your hands so don't blow it
Da seduction of crime can b stong
Once u got it, please try 2 throw it
Crime is evil and evil is wack
Don't be fooled, it's gonna take u back
We're goin' down and we're gonna git hit
What is left, what time is it?
by Bitito
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Slave to the Music (1993)
Slave to the Music Is It Love Take Me Away Keep on Goin' Music Is My Life Leave Them Alone What Time Is It Take Your Chance Let's Stay Slave to the Music (Ferry & Garnefski club mix) Is It Love (Dancability club mix)