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You turn and see them in the sand
Your steps behind you and your hands of war
They're tired and they're worn
Footprints as far as you can see
This is who you are, you'll always be the one
The one to fare the storm
If it was up to you, and you...
You know that you would lose
If it was up to you, I know
You'd always choose...to continue
You know this happened all before
You've seen what comes and what's in store
You know it will all happen again
The fear was only momentary
But your role was never temporary, you know
This was never meant to end


(To continue) If it was up to you...

(To continue) If it was up to you...


To continue, if it was up to you...
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History Repeating: Blue (2012)
History Repeating, Part 1 History Repeating, Part 2 (One Last Time) Steel Forged in Fate Can't Stop the Top Don't Mess With Magnetman You've Sparked a War Walk Away From Light Gamma Unchained (I Want to Be the One) To Watch You Die Continue