
Torremolinos Lyrics

Flew out of Ringway, BOAC, spent a packet on duty-free
Got our passports and we had our shots, just hope its not too f****** hot
Got dead p*****-up on the plane, couldn't wait to get to Spain
The crumpet was so fit I nearly came
We all went down Torremolinos, I pulled this bird from Pontefract
I got a big red ring round the base of my p****
It wasn't Boots 17, and that's a fact
She was just dirty, it was a Club 18-30
We went round nicking from tourist shops,
Stez Styx went battering greasy wops
Beater complained about the lousy beer
Chorley ate paella, he got diarrhoea
k***by's looking at the t***, Barrel's eating egg and chips
Don't drink the water, it'll give you the s****
We all went down Costa Blanca, Stez pulled this bird from Prestatyn (press that in)
But he didn't pull it out, he's a f****** w*****,
Now half the kids in Wales look like him
She was just dirty, it was a Club 18-30
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