
Children Lyrics

Jesus walked on water, he turned water into wine
If you believe this to be true that's just fine, just fine with me
Moses walked the chosen people straight through the Red Sea
If you think you are chosen Brother that's alright with me
Are there 72 virgins waiting for you when you're gone?
Are you rocking to Nirvana? Rock on, rock on
But Please don't hurt the children, please lay down the rod
Please don't send your bombs in and say you're doing the work of God
Faith is not a weapon. Hate won't set us free
You believe what you believe and that's OK with me

Those aliens inside your head have filled your heart with fear
So hook yourself to my machine and you'll get clear, get clear
You can quake and shake your horse and buggy, wear that little hat.
Or get yourself 100 wives, I'm OK with that
Broken mirrors, tarot cards, black cats, and ESP
You believe what you believe and that's OK with me
But please don't hurt the children, please lay down the rod.
Please don't send your guns in and say you're doing the work of god.
Faith is not a weapon. Hate won't set us free
You believe what you believe and that's OK with me
She kissed me in the summer storm, the rain fell from above
So I believe in nature . I believe in love
And I believe that nine months later I held him on my knee.
You call that a miracle? Who am I to disagree?

But Please don't hurt the children, please lay down the rod
Please don't send our Sons and Daughters in and say you're doing the work of God
Faith is not a weapon. Hate won't set us free
You believe what you believe and that's OK with me
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