
Burning Empires Lyrics

The path that we all tread upon has led us all to decay, we've bound ourselves to this torment, disregarding the truth, we've cast ourselves into molds as perfect cogs for this system. Servants, get off your knees! Slaves, take a f****** knife to the throats of your oppressors! We forge these chains link by link, enshroud our lives in suffering, negating any attempt to change. Left with the shattered remains of a world once full of beauty, now blackened skies weep tears of poison, the lifeless expression of this false sense of necessity passed down through generations of ignorance.
Servants, get off your knees! Slaves, take a f****** knife to the throats of your oppressors! We forge these chains link by link, enshroud our lives in suffering, negating any attempt to change. Burning empires to save us from ourselves, our own enslavement, deviance from nature's order has condemned us to this hell, isolated from each other, isolated from ourselves, our souls confined in concrete while our bodies rot in silence. This fortress will fall, these chains across the land shall be broken from the earth once and for all, no choice do we have left but to raise our weapons to the sky, the time has come for change and this time it's war.
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