
Black Water Lyrics

April 20 2010. Horizon exploded. It left 11 dead.
As a result her eyes bled black. For 5 months straight her eyes bled black.
The story grew as the truth was destroyed. Information witheld, access denied.
Corporate money protects all the lies while the life of the gulf is left for the flies.
This is the new black death. As its spreads theres nothing left.
It flows through my veins, it flows through my veins.
I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't feel. I'm coughing up blood, but they say it isn't real.
Corporate money protects all the lies. Corporate money protects all the lies,
They put up a curtain, They hid it's demise.

This is the new black death. As its spreads theres nothing left.
It flows through my veins, it flows through my veins.
This is a murder scene where the guilty party still goes free.
We wait, we wait, we wait for a change. (x3)
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