
The Picture Lyrics

Hurricanes in December
Earthquakes in the heartland
Bad air index on a flashing warning sign
Bound for trouble - the picture is dirty
We'll know when we get there
If we'll find mercy

Flotsam and Jetsam
in charge of the agency
Where truth gets twisted in danger of dissolving
When war is profit and profit is war
We'll know when we get there
If we'll find mercy

Certified minds
exacting a toll
Trying to fit a square block in a round hole
A heart of darkness facing 1000 bloodshot eyes
We'll know when we get there
If we'll find mercy
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The Search (2007)
Slow Hearse The Picture Action Underground Dream Circadian Rhythm Beacon Soul The Search Adrenaline and Heresy Satellite Automatic Society Methamphetamine L Train Highways and Cigarettes Phosphate Skin