
Oxidative Phosphorylation Lyrics

Do you see the athletes run?
Do you see the children crawl?
Every soul beneath the sun --
Ox phos fuels them one and all.
You can't see inside their cells;
If you could, here's what you'd see:
Small cigar-shaped organelles
Synthesizing ATP.

Matrix protons get pumped out
To the intermembrane s***e.
Then they take an inward route
Through the ATP synthase.

[Preacher's message:]
Fuel the muscles.
Feel the sunshine.
Feel the ATP.
See the children.
See the athletes.
Ox phos fuels us you and me.
In the morning,
In the mid-day,
In the afternoon.
In the evening,
In the late night,
Ox phos fuels us me and you.
When I feel up,
When I feel good,
When I'm movin' 'round,
When I sit up,
When I stand up,
When I make my sound.
All right, now.
Oxidative phosphorylation.
Oxidative phosphorylation.
Oxidative phosphorylation.
Oxidative phosphorylation....
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