
Black Snake Moan Lyrics

Spoken: (I ain't plaid for nobody in years.)
(I wanted me some kids, a whole mess of them, but for Rose, my wife, kids was for another time.)

(Then one spring, I seen't a change in her. b****** started swelling up, couple of mornin's I hear her in the bathroom throwing up. I dun seen it in other women before, so, I knew.)
(Then one day, Rose says she had to go o'er to Jackson, to visit her folks, she ain't want me to go, so I stayed.)

(You know how the talk about a woman, havin' that glow. She ain't have it no more. She dun cut it out, got rid of it.)

Music starts:

Hear a voice in my head, everytime I think it's gone, it comes howlin' back.
Calls me can't find my way home. Lost in the past. I calls it the Black Snake moan

Black snake all in my room
Black snake all in my room
Some pretty mama,
better get this black snake soon
Black snake is evil
Black snake is all I see
Black snake is evil
Black snake is all I see

Woke up this morning
BLACK Snake moved in on me!
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