
Asgard Lyrics

Ash tree of life
Keep in balance
The worlds as apart they strife
Rooted deep in Jotunheim
In Nilfheim near Hyergelmir
And in Gladsheim in Asgard

Oh Asgard where Gods dwell
As the ancient Sagas tell
Bifrost cross may those who die
Where Valkyries fly
Oh Asgard and Gladsheim
Hope to see it in my time
Passing Heimdall as I die
Where Valkyries fly

Heroes who are gone
Fight and drink each day anew
Till Ragnarök may come
The Einherjars' home
Reliving battle's glory
The armies of Asgard
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Arise: From Ragnarök to Ginnungagap - The History of the Vikings, Volume III (2009)