
b***erknife Dull Lyrics

people like me because i'm a good listener
no thoughts of my own to interrupt them
people like me 'cause i've got no opinions
"you're so quiet" no just stupid my friend
i'm b***erknife dull baby
i'm b***erknife dull now darlin'

i'm so boring i'm melting the ice
in your white wine spritzer
while you try to be nice
please don't ask me to tell you a story
there's no hope for me man
no hope for glory
i'm b***erknife dull baby
i'm b***erknife dull now darlin'

if you try to get close
i'll just back off
either way, why bother with me
if you're even half pretty
i'll be leering like a pervert
i'll make you so uncomfortable you'll flee
depending on your manners
you'll bravely see it through
or else excuse yourself through a window in the loo
my small talk's so small
it just disappears
you'll be counting the seconds
that'll seem like years

i'm b***erknife dull baby
i'm b***erknife dull now darlin'...
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Summer's Over (1997)
Fanfare White Boy Blues Pray For Heaven She's So Shallow Here's the Story Angelique is a Free Spirit Introducing the Solution Drunk Again How Will I Find You In Heaven Bates Milk Bar b***erknife Dull Why God Why Temporary Girl The First Thing That Comes To Mind