
Song of the Bear Clan Lyrics

Power always belongs to the strong
Strength is always the ruler of man
Good and kindness can never last long
Weak are meat for the Bear Clan
Nothing else can fight stronger than bears
It is right to take what the strong can
Nothing else can fight longer than bears
Might is right in the Bear Clan

[Music Interlude]
Tooth and claw and the might of a bear
Red-eyes fury that none can withstand
Crushing foes is the right of the bear
All must fall to the Bear Clan

Strong fighter must rule in the end
And dominant foeman and friend
Strong drink and strong women to bed
In Bear Clan, you're strong or you're dead
Power always belongs to the strong
Strength is always the ruler of man
Good and kindness can never last long
Weak are meat for the Bear Clan

Weak means death in the Bear Clan
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