
Hey,Baby Lyrics

Verse 1 (Kenny)
嘿 寶貝 你還記不記得 我是誰
Hēi bǎobèi nǐ hái jì bù jìde wǒ shì shuí
Hey Baby Do you remember who am I?
Duōkuī le nǐ měi wǎn ràng wǒ bùnéng shuì
All cause of you I can't sleep at night
Wǒ dǒng wǒ bù gāi guài shuí
I know I can't blame anyone
讓我為妳頹廢 我卻忘不了你的ENVY香味
Ràng wǒ wèi nǎi tuífèi wǒ què wàng bùliǎo nǐ de ENVY xiāngwèi
I wear out because of you But I can never forget your ENVY perfume
Zhídào nǐ zhōngyú chéngwéi wǒ de huòshuǐ
Till the day you finally become my downfall
Zhǎo bù dào duì de shíhou jiù ài le zhè yī huí
Falling in love but at the wrong time
我從不後悔 我對你來說既然索然無味
Wǒ cóng bù hòuhuǐ wǒ duì nǐ lái shuō jìrán suǒrán wúwèi
I never regretted. But i am, to you, tasteless like water
Wèihé dāngchū jiù bǎ ài gěi dì nàme gāncuì
Why then did you give away your love so easily
難道你忘了愛情是種點綴 代價如此昂貴
Nándào nǐ wàng le àiqíng shì zhǒng diǎnzhuì dàijià rúcǐ ángguì
Have you forgotten that love is lovely, the price is so high
Xiǎojiě bàoqiàn chāi fēng bùnéng tuì
Sorry miss, no refunds possible
有人說 舊愛還是最美 到底對不對 早已經無所謂
Some say the past flames are more beautiful, is that right? I don't care anymore.
每一場戀愛總會有人吃虧 情難追
One party will suffer in all affairs, this love has gone
We ca't help it, we can only blame reality for its imperfections
Don't say that I am pushing all the blame to you
其實你也知道 我們都犯了殘酷的罪
You know too, that we have commited a cruel crime
你給的苦我來背 雖然過去時光追不回
You give me pain to bear, even though time cannot be turned back
但是一樣讓我 叫你一聲寶貝
But let me call you baby again
hey babe 你睡了沒 你想的是誰 需不需要我陪
Hey Babe, Have you fallen asleep? Who are you thinking of? Do you want my company?
hey babe 我還沒睡 你想的是誰 早已經無所謂
Hey babe, I am still awake. Who are you thinking of? I don't care anymore
Verse 2 (Edward)
嘿 寶貝 現在的我獨自一人走在空洞街頭 我感覺不到這城市有一絲溫柔
Hey baby, now I have to walk in an empty street alone. I cannot feel any warmth in this city.
到底要怎麼做才能抹去所有的錯 我還記得你的美 記得妳是我的誰
What do I need to do to erase all of the wrongs. I still remember your beauty, remember who you were to me.
卻不再為你醉 至少已經學會 自己照顧自己的胃 習慣空虛相隨
But I'm not drunk for you anymore, at least I learned to take care of my stomach, remember to go at it alone.
有時餓了想要你餵 累了想要你安慰 孤單想要你來陪 有時想把時間倒回
Sometimes I'm hungry and want you to feed me, tired and want your comfort, lonely and want you to stay with me, sometimes I want to turn back time.
抱著你當你怕黑 想要佔有你的美 我親親你的嘴 幫你蓋棉被陪著你睡
Holding you when you are afraid of the dark, want to hold onto your beauty. I kiss your lips, help you with the blankets, besides you as you sleep.
在夢裡陪你飛 讓你的身體把我包圍 還有好多夢 等你一起追
Flying beside you in dreams, let your body enwrap me, and there's so many dreams, waiting for you to chase with me.
妳總是輕輕靠著我的背 還為了我努力假裝賢慧 想念跟你爭吵鬥嘴的點滴滋味
You always lean gently against my back, and because of you, you try hard to be gentle, I miss when you fight and argue with me, these little feelings.
我的心除了你誰都不能給 可不可以再給我一次機會 叫你一聲寶貝
My heart cannot be given to anybody besides you. Can you give me one more chance, to call you "baby"

Verse 3 (Jeff)
別想我 寶貝 我會捨不得 思念的失落感只會讓妳向下墜
Don't think of me, baby. I can't bear it, the feelings of lost when I remember you will only let you fall.
無謂的傷痛也是浪費 我把自己埋葬 寫在一字一句之間到沉睡
The pain and the hurt is a waste. I bury myself in writing one word and one phrase until I sleep.
包容妳的錯與對 愛你不管你瘦還是肥 在妳流下眼淚之前誰能給妳撫慰
Acceping your wrongs and right. Loving you whether you're skinny or fat. Before your tears fall, who can comfort you
誰能在第一時間感受妳的喜悲 誰能毫無保留把一切都給
Who can feel your happiness and sorrow at the first moment, who can give everything to you without keeping anything back
Who can keep on giving to you without complaining or regrets
給我悄悄話 我會征服整個世界當作禮物來給
Give me some whispered words, I will conquer the entire world and give it to you as a present.
但是錯過的愛不是轉頭就能挽回 我還是送妳甜蜜哄妳入睡 我的寶貝
But a missed love isn't regainable by turning back. I still give you sweet words, telling you to go to sleep. My baby.

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第貳樂章 (2004)
Jeff宣言 Oh!社會 印度神遊 緣投與阿醜1979 緣投與阿醜2004 Hey,Baby Playboy 紅不讓 我的世界 You can't do it 嘸!你麥按怎 舉起來 Playboy (English version) 印度神遊 (Clean version)
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