
Meant to Be Lyrics

Speak your mind and tell me something

Tell me something I can't remember
Speak your mind and tell me something

Are we meant to be together?

Speak your mind and speak it clearly

Speak it truthfully or speak it never

Speak it honestly and gently
Are we meant to be together?

You keep on asking me this question

Everyday now, for what seems forever

You keep on asking me this question
Are we meant to be together?

I'll speak my mind when I am ready

When I'm willing and when I'm able

When I've had the time to think

Of what is causing all the trouble
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Phrases and Numbers (2000)
What Lies Ahead Starwater, It's Alright Spike On the Outside Spike (Morse mix) Frostbite Legacy Smokescreen Incident ISBN 666 Meant to Be