
Ceilings Lyrics

There's a hell paved of wants and desires
And a sea of misery waiting to conspire
Waves of men with no direction
In a constant limbo of endless repetition
Ships built to be sent out to sea
But meant to sit and rot
Love just doesn't exist
When it's all just a matter of who's better convinced
Nothings left waiting for us
The greatest war we have to face
Is when love and l*** share the same face
Happening all in a matter of time
When we're clinched to whatever gets us by
"There is a loneliness in this world so great
That you can see it in the slow movement of a clock People so tired. mutilated either by love or no love"

Love is dead
We watched it kill itself as it hung
From our living room ceiling fan
Love is dead and it's never coming back
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