
Get Right Lyrics


It's hard to understand the boy inside the man
He don't know why he's angry
But the harder thing to do is just enjoy the view
But it's been better lately
And it's over after you
I can still see tomorrow

Take down the life that I can't find
And all the world collides
When they can't see what you're doing
But I'm dying just to kill the score
I try to lock the door
Get it right...am I

A simple yesterday but life got in the way
And I can't find my way back home
So speak to me in tune, a familiar attitude
And kill the doubt that's within me
And it's over after you
And the darkness we've been through
I've been too cold too long
But I can still see tomorrow

Take down the life that I can't find
And all the world collides
When they can't see what you're doing
But I'm dying just to kill the score
I try to lock the door
Get it right...am I blind?
And I can see myself in you
And I know you feel it too
And I've been too cold too long
But I can still see tomorrow

Take down the life that I can't find
And all the world collides
When they can't see what you're doing
But I'm dying just to kill the score
I try to lock the door
Get it right...I'm not blind.
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