
Sleep Walking Zombies Lyrics

Sleep Walking Zombies" - Carrie Dahlby featuring Erin Jane Sherlock

A parody of "My Dad's Gone Crazy" by Eminem
featuring Hailie Jade Mathers

No! I wanna stay up all night like you!
Tell me another story! I don't wanna sleep!


Okay then! Everybody wake up!


Eh, I'm goin' back to bed. Who's with me on this?


Somebody, please, give us more time to sleep!
You're all sleep walking zombies!

CARRIE (verse 1):

There's no sleepwalk I won't try
No lack of sleep too high
No zombie that I can't out zombify
What do I gotta do to get through to you
To show you there ain't nothin' I can't zombie sleepwalk through?
Every lost hour of sweet sleep
Is called "sleep debt" and it can make a zombie out of me
And out of you, feelin' like you be on
Auto-pilot every dang day, but it can't kill you.
I'm out of fuel, I feel like lyin' my b*** down.
Sleep debt's about as fun as a chastity vow.


True, that.


So tell Oprah to get out of the bookshop
Because I need advice on how to stop feeling coin-opped
And fight sleep deprivation with gloves off.
Harry Potter and the Sleep Eaters need to get cast off!
When will I sleep? When will the madness please stop?
Erin, tell 'em sweetie...



CARRIE (chorus):
I have no need to eat your brains but this aches and pains me


You're all sleep walking zombies!


A little help from Erin Jane, tell 'em little lady


You're all sleep walking zombies!


I need something that can sustain me or I'll insane be


You're all sleep walking zombies!


There's nothing on earth that can save me, not even caffeine


You're all sleep walking zombies!

CARRIE (verse 2):

It's like my teacher always told me:
Wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa .... you stupid little brats
If you sleep through my class I will credit you for nothin'!
My bad, I snoozed, feel real dazed and woozed
Like drivin' cruise and lose a thousand rapid eye movements per second
I'd rather set the world's highest nap length record
I'd rather be a Sleepy seven dwarf, stand sleepin'
And have sleepy crud stuck to my face with a sleep aid in my nose
I wake with a fire hose, sleepin' hours 3 or 4
Can't you see why we're so beat? Let yer alarm clock go,
improve your scenario.
You wouldn't have to go eenie meenie minie mo
Catch a zombie by his toe. Call us the Coma Corps.
Can't my job just pay me to SLEEP a little more?

CARRIE (bridge):

Sleep debt can make you cry, make you wanna die
And at the same time, make yer eyes real dry and stupified
See what we got is a nation overworked
But it's not always work
Cuz exhaustion's got workplace production reversed
But when I do sleep, I don't count sheep
I'm sleeping deep BEFORE my head hits the pillow
C'mon! Hello! I'm WAY too tired to know the insomnia woe!
Sleepwalk to work, come home, and back to work I go
And walk around my life with a Zombiac glow.
I could wander onstage and not even know!
Like Britney Spears does whenever she performs!
Feel dead inside of my head,
wish I was a little girl inside of her bed
After the story's read, with Care Bears bedspread
Need some deep sleep under my sheets and I do not count the threads
And that's pretty much the gist of it
Kids'll resist but even kids love it.
I lack dreamin', extreme in sleep debt, steamin' head, body screamin'.
I'll have my own kids! Then I'll have time to get more sleep in!



Zombies. Zombies.


Wake up Carrie! ERIN: Wake up Carrie!
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