
Son, Oh Son Lyrics

It's up in the kitchen, down in the hall
I'll be lonely
w****'s the father of his sister's child
Down by the greenwood side
Took her down to the merry green wood
I'll be lonely
And there he shot his sister dead
Down by the greenwood side

He went back to his mother's home
Welcome to me my son my son
Son oh son, why are you so pale
Been down by the greenwood hunting quail

Ain't no quail a way down there
Been down there shooting the white tailed deer

Ain't no pistol kills a deer
w**** where's your sister fair?
Mother oh mother, make my bed
For I have shot my sister dead

Son oh son, where will you go?
Your father will kill you when he comes to know

He'll bury you under yon hill
If he doesn't kill you, I surely will
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Orb (1989)
Klezpolka Son, Oh Son Tape Decks All Over Hell Snow on the Hills Serbian Kolo #3 Army (Dream Song) Harout Brave Bombardier Sota Siege of Delhi Hard Times Sally in the Garden Glasena Klingar The Town of Ballybay Czunovo Oro Kaen-Lao Gratop Mai