
Can't Fake Lyrics

What you whisper deserves to be said much louder
Level and tone of your voice are not really what matter
Just ensure yourself that what you stand for my brother,
Entirely justifies your moves and your behaviour
The path you choose to get the truth is a new window for others, you know!
Every single soul in the air is mighty,
That is why I ask you to take that seriously
Please forget the step behind you
Hey man now you see what I mean
Keep it real, future will not be worst
Now since your heart is beating, how do you feel?

This song topic derived from the famous quote of Albert Pine who argues 'What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others remains, and becomes a model'
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From the Swallow to the Bottle (2009)
Intro Gone Saccharine Gone Social Control I Say Love The Bell's Tone N.R.A. Overwhelming Line Officer d*** Paranoia on the Waves Waves of Death Can't Fake There Are Two Wolves Having a Fight Inside You Insane Cocktail Raise Your Fist After All Governing the Third World Going Down to the Depth of Pain A Burning Cocktail in a Murdering Ghetto The Welfare My Shoe Laces The Story Can't Play DIY