
Origin Lyrics

From the skies, mysteries are slowly falling down. Still searching for the answers which frighten us. You won't find any thruth in the cradle of lies. Do we deserve to be aware? That gift is too much for us. Take me away! Far from the curse of time, so far that i can see the shape of the earth. Manufactured to save our precious time, we lost it all... submerged by sands of the hourglass, i'd rather get out of this place. You won't find any thruth in the cradle of lies. No one deserves to be aware. But for the first time, i woke up alive. Take me away! Far from the curse of time, so far that i can see the shape of the earth. Take me away, far from the curse, so far that i can see the shape of the earth. (tic toc)... I hear the sound of the clock. (tic toc)... My time is running out. Take me away! Far from the curse of time, so far that i can see the shape of the earth. Take me away, far from the curse, so far that i can see the shape of the earth.
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Will, Love, Life (2013)
Medicine 2.0 Origin Dream Collapse The Conscious Man Isis Frozen Vision, Part 1 Frozen Vision, Part 2 When Everything Falls Apart Z(h)ero F.R.E.A.K.S. Sons of Shiva