
Hey How Johnie Lad Lyrics


Hey how my Johnny Lad
Ye're no' sae kind's ye should have been;
Gin yer voice I hadna kent,
I couldna either trow ma een.
Sae weel's ye micht hae tousled me
And sweetly prie'd my mou bedeen:
Hey how my Johnny Lad,
Ye're no' sae kind's ye should have been.

My faither he was at the pleugh,
My mither she was at the mill,
My Billie he was at the moss,
an' no ane near our sport tae spill.
The feint a body was therein,
There was nae fear o' bein' seen:
Hey how my Johnny Lad,
Ye're no' sae kind's ye should have been.
Wad ony lad wha lo'ed her weel
Hae left his bonny lass her lane
Tae sigh an' greet ilk langsome hour
And think her sweetest minutes gane?
O had ye been a wooer leal.
We would hae met wi' hearts mair keen:
Hey how my Johnny Lad,
Ye're no' sae kind's ye should have been.
But I maun get anither jo,
Wha's love gangs never oot o' sight
And never lets the moments pass
When to a lass he can be kind.
So gang yer wa's tae blinkin' Bess,
Nae mair for Johnny shall she green:
Hey how my Johnny Lad,
Ye're no' sae kind's ye should have been.
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Songs of Robert Burns (1991)
Rantin' Rovin' Robin Ca' the Yowes to the Knowes Is There for Honest Poverty Green Grow the Rashes, O Ae Fond Kiss Hey, Ca' Thro' Hey How Johnie Lad The Lea Rig It Was A' for Our Righfu' King A Red, Red Rose To the Weaver's Gin Ye Go