
In Decline Lyrics

I will look back to what once was, I will remember not forget. these days are filled with (a) moral void. backed by the state they fill us up with hate and prejudice. the east is lost and so is the west. behind the curtains I saw your racist face. the now is darkened, you have not learned. false peace conspiracy, bourgeois ignorance.
it's time to spark these flames of resistance, take back these streets of ours. the blood of millions at your hands, you will never learn from history. a thousands march, self righteous and blinded, connected by your s*** ideals. left and right, hand in hand. united in their hatred.
it has awoken, this beast of prey, a gorge of fear. you will spark confrontation. angst ridden western world, so lost in exposure. your selfishness will be your downfall. I'm ashamed by all of you.
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Moloch / In Turmoil (2016)
Moloch Behold Thy Servants The Skys Of Our Infancy In Decline Strife Devouring Glass Turning Point Human Hive No More Words Lys Ascetic Entropie Circles The Faceless Patterns & Dreamers Seasons Of Separation Herzberge Conditio Humana Shallow Frailty Howl Another Dead End's Anthem Peripheral