
Genocide Is Coming to the USA Lyrics

Dear Baby,
How you doing? It's me again
up in NYC again
Making my LP again
Writing from the seventh floor
Of number 60, Broadway and 12th street
My self's sweet,
How's yourself, sweet?
Its nice here
I like here
It's sunny and hot
I got this sweet dope crib
In which I read and I watch
Episodes of Curb, The Prisoner and othersuch rot
I got a fridge full of orange juice
A laptop, and pot

I got me a mike and pair of tights
Around a lampshade
I go dancing
Round the place in pants
And a fitted, to If It Be Your Will
By Leoanard Cohen
Then I'm going to 27th and third -
where I spit words at a big posh mike

This is Alphabet
Adam Alphabet
Adam Jan Van NAR KIE W IC Z
I used to sing Right Said Fred
Voice too high on a swing I said
What I ever said
What I never said
Was probably
Just like
What I would have said

If I hadn't got deaded at a baby age
Around the same time as De La's Daisy Age
The Patrick Swazey Age
Those Ronald Reagan, Maggie, crazy days
Seem quite quiant when compared to nowadays

I miss you when the orange haze
This black room in the middle of the night
As I write I'm all right
But I am not allways alright
Because our people are not all right
I heard genocide was coming to America
Now I know genoice has made her home in America
And this is just a mirror there
Tiny baby mirror there
Held up for all to stare
See your alter there
See that preacher there -
Forgotten his name
But he said "god hates n****** and he sent them the rain"
I heard Buchanan say "Impeach" but the blame
Was resting on the shoulders of some giant douche by the name
Of Mike Brown

So we're like, f*** These Clowns
Run these freaks out of town
They waited ten whole days until the people that weren't drowned were starved
Then they painted s*** on they yards
I saw blood red paint on the walls of they yards
I saw blood red paint on the walls of they yards
I saw The National Guard
Just like Stormtroopers
They dissarmed
Not just the working classes
But the middleclasses
And the slave classes

Dig they own grave classes
class is dissmissed
From ashes to p***
Cos if you cant get p***** about this then you mightn't exist babe
You might be dead
Is nothing but fluff in your pretty little head?

If Celine can say it then why can't you?
Kanye just spoke the truth.

There is a war
Between the rich
And 'tween the poor
Between the photographs of shores
Awash with blood on Channel 4
Between the glass that holds the spores
Soon to unleash on foreign shores
Between the hinges of the doors
Between the fringes and the hordes
Between the screams of crowds for more

They scream for w****s

Im sorry baban but it bothers me
P'raps I need a lobotomy
Have you've forgotten me?
I had forgotten we
wasn't living properly
We down't own property
Oh baby lets buy a farm up the mountains in the middle of france
We'll rear pigs and we'll dance
There'll be daisies in the summer time
A fire and a rug and wine
In the winter time
d*** gang bunch of kids
And I'm sure s***'ll be just fine
You'll sing songs and I'll rhyme
Take no mind of the swine
Cos seriously I'm
Stupified at what they've done to London now

They couldn't scare us with bombs so they shot mans in the head
Mo Mos gone, gone
Robin Cook's dead
Said they lock us up for questioning religion
Little John says Arabs are g-gypos
And Mumia's still in prison

My decision is to not die yet
Better yet get wetter than The resident
There's a Arab at the back of the
Don't cause a
Like, whatever happened to STUSH?

Its like I'm dead in the middle of Little Brittany
Little did I know it was riddled with little kiddies on ritalin
Eatin they vitamins
Eatin they chittlins
Beating they vicars in
Building us prisons to stick em in


Maybe we should just kick em all in
Make like The Quckening
Blone Don Highlander s*** on them
I wipe my d*** on them
I f****** p*** on them
You'd say I should be kissing them
And you
In a way

But I see blight in the way
Of all the light that you say
Will come our way
But pray honey,
Go ahead, pray

That the money Fema's giving to Pat Robertson's
Operation Blessing isn't just more reconnaissance
They turning off they telephones
And forcing them to leave they homes
Why can't my peoples just rebuild they own homes?
Why does Haliburton get to build they homes
That I guarantee will not be made availiable
To Those who have been flown
Unto the furthest corners of the USA
Into detainment camps
Done lost everything
Now they in detainment camps
Those not dead will
Rest they heads on bunks
Framed with barbed wire
It's better than a car tyre

So says Fox News
So called Fox "News"
O Reilley's up on Fox "news"
So This is how they cop "news"

Racists in suits spouting they s*** that suits
The same fruits that rape babes while they preach from the boots of they
Big f****** cars
They say they're going to Mars
I say leave us alone and get to going to mars

Cos Babe, I know who they are
And I know what they are
And I know this is war
Cos I can see from this far

How can you lock up hungry people for looting?
This aint computing
Lock up Bush and lock up Blair and lock up Vladimir Putin
Lock up Mugabe
Lock up the demon leaders of these armies
And the people who helped turn
what was the USA's tsunami

Into genocide
Cos baby this is genoice
Dictionary definition genocide
And if there is a side
then whose you on?

This is how they learned to loathe the bomb
That stands uncumbent
Now redundant
And we've got our own in London

They got em everywhere I swear
They're hidden undernetah the stairs
And they aint going anywhere
Unless we smoke em out of there
Or choke em out of there out suttin
(f***) Reason or ryme
Because they're cunning and they're coming
We're running out of time

So blame Greenspan's side bets, hedge founds, quadrillain in debt
I got a dollar worth, we all got a dollar worth less
Than than the paper that its printed on
And if you think you're minted man
Well, maybe pretty soon you won't be minted man
The morgage based securites bubble's about to blow
This aint a fairy tale or speculation,
This is what we know.

Thats why they'll murder 4 billion
To get us back to two billion
So-called citisens
Doped up on Prozac and vitamins
Brainwashed slave class
White Mike,
Turn Out The Lights
White Mike,
Turn Out The Lights
- As you're leaving
Be the last man still beleiving
In the heathens
When they're turning out the lights

And so I bid you goodnight
Now cariad
Sweet dreams be thine
And maybe mine too cariad
Nos da fy nghariad

Nos da fy nghariad

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