
I Miss Being a Tree Lyrics

I wish I could agree when they say
"in the end it all made perfect sense"
Congratulations if your life is one clean straight line
Or are you maybe just blackening the parts
You don't want in your history?
The ruptures, dead ends
The places you wish you never went
Set the record straight
Lie to yourself
Erase the memories
The inconvenient past, the misfit tragedies
Destroy the picture life has drawn
Paint over the mistakes
Replace it with a fairy tale
Let's set the record straight:
If life has taught me anything
Then it was that it's a fickle b****
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Orientation (2011)
Maps I Miss Being a Tree North:Hope The Alarmist South:Desperation Uncharted Territories East:Indifference A Small Stage in a Cosmic Arena West:Passion A Song Yet to Be Written The Architect Mazes