

sawul fffam tecasa sssy
I can feel your sadness

sawurb fffam tecasa sssy
I can feel this world's sadness
yerh zecta lerx duseat maal sss
I want to protect my precious you

yerh zecta ferx cafeb maarb itt sss
I want to protect this beloved world

fayelebe zayy sss feweve lex hyummnos
I shall entrust my heart into singing this song

sss illm baars meevax yearh leee
Because that is the only thing I could do

TiS tEnaYto tAA tII na Stu TTTT
Oh Light, bestow power unto this weak heart, cleanse everything with thy Divine power, save everything, bestow the power of Love unto us

SAax tIirs fawEE LAas tIi raYEE
Oh the divine wish that dwells in my heart, protect everything, save everything

SAax tIirs fawEE XAarS tIi VaYEE
Protect everything, bestow the joy of being alive unto them

降り注ぐ 光浴びて
織り上げる 魂の歌
Bathe in the pouring Light
And weave the Song of souls

この願いを 届けて
To the shining future
Send this wish away

Was yea ra chs rre corle fhauri.
I shall gladly turn my heart into a fragment of Light

Was yea ra lhasya tatakafria.
I shall gladly connect to all existences

Was yea ra chs rre asyar tes ciel.
I shall gladly let my emotions melt into the world

Rrha yea ra lhasya yos fedyya.
I shall gladly connect to your future
Was yea ra grlanza rre fhau coree
Dance with me, oh the Light that dwells in my heart

sos karf shyun tes lulurnya.
So that I can change sadness into joy

SAax tIirs fawEE rAE StIyn raYEE!!
Oh my destiny entrusted in my thoughts, set free everything!!

YIx tIirs fawEE LAas tIi raYEE
Oh Light, oh Divine power, protect everything, save everything

YIiix tIirs fawEE XAarS tIi VaYEE
Protect everything, bestow the hope of being alive unto them

過ちを 数多の罪を
清めゆく 赦しの歌
Mistakes and countless sins alike
Let the Song of forgiving cleanse them all

E I eeeiiio cet tetyio I yA hyea
E I eeeiiio cet tetyio I Yyy AAA
Oh great Divine power, oh the power of Love that embraces all, destroy the evil and fill the Light upon all existences

今 断ち切られて
永遠の 希望を抱き
蘇れ 翡翠の星
The curse of destruction
Now, I shall tear it apart
And embrace eternal hope
Reborn, oh the green Star
Zan stiiy yE Xa iEi AaaA IYA
Oh God, save us, let thy great Love fill everything to the brim

Zan stimyni ipy EiE
Xans TIyi MinY ImYni mIIl ni
Oh God, bestow thy mercy upon us, forgive those weak existences and lead them to the Light of righteousness
Let the Love of Origin never die, and lead us the way to purification

Oh precious Love of Origin, oh Light of purification!!

Was yea ra rre syana konla tou ciel.
I shall gladly let my love resound to the sky

Was yea ra vaffa anw gauto.
I shall gladly clear away the dark clouds

Was yea ra rre nell syana tou dor.
I shall gladly let my wish resound to the land

Was yea ra yesse anw tatakaria.
I shall gladly bring up all existences

Rrha yea ra arl ter sonwe an marfo ciel.
Sing with me, oh the Star of Love

Rrha yea ra hymme en echrra sos karf shyun tes lulurnya!!
Sing and resound with me, so that I can change sadness into joy!!

YIx tIirs fawEE LAas tIi raYEE!!!
Oh Light, oh Divine power, protect everything, save everything!!!

YIiix tIirs fawEE XAarS tIi VaYEE!!!
Protect everything, bestow the hope of being alive unto them!!!
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