
Way Round Lyrics

Walked through a crystal maze you created
And enter values as Vikings enter
Leathered to 70's s*****xes
Into glass, into glass
I hit roundabout
I hit roundabout
I hit roundabout
I hit roundabout

I stumble into glass disco sweatboxes and leathered to the 70's
And still do not know it
I hit roundabout
I hit roundabout
I hit roundabout
I hit roundabout
I just can't find my way
I just can't find my way
I just can't find my way
I just can't find my way
I just can't find my way
I just can't find my way
I just can't find my way
I just can't find my way
I just can't find my way
I just can't find my way
I just can't find my way
I just can't find my way
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The Unutterable (2000)
Cyber Insekt Two Librans W.B Sons of Temperance Dr. Buck's Letter Hot Runes Way Round Octo Realm / Ketamine Sun Serum Unutterable Pumpkin Soup and Mashed Potatoes Hands up Billy Midwatch 1953 Devolute Das Katerer