
yourself only Lyrics

Ran to you with nothing to say when the parting love changes
too bad - wrong time/wrong place in a foreign skin

He's a nobody in a ceasar's role - you got out
a nobody in a sinner's soul - you've been sold out .
So I call in the daggers on a december day and I'll ride the air you breathe
fall in the glass with a jittering head you didn't know your bones would break
So I climb the stairs though you're totally burned with the shine in my face you light my path...
hello! it's no childrens prayer, it just seems that way amid the photographs of stone, from stone...

There's no time or place that's home inside without a little regret at being sold to the depths, dodging your birth, confined to your bed...and what do you get when it's all gone wrong....
Yourself only!
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