
Adolescent Breakdown Lyrics

See the sign in my eyes. Mind escaping from me
On the crest of my wave too dark to see
And the soreness that I feel beneath the surface
Fear the worst is still to come
Threating words come my way in some strange disguises
Flesh torn gestures in my face
Don't take my place away
I could try to forgive
Even thought I don't know what should be forgiven

Do I go crazy, before you take notice
Until you can see it in me?
Drift away touch upon the deepest emotion
As I watch you'll become, someone else's problem
Given time I'll make waves in another ocean
I'm the chosen one.

Do I go crazy, before you take notice
Until you can see it in me, why can't you see it in me?
I adore you, I deplore you
All your actions I can see through
I can't pretend I know what's going on

Do I go crazy, before you take notice
Until'you can see it in me, why can't you see it in me?
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The Next Best Thing (2004)
These Are the Changes Inside How High The Fool in Me Adolescent Breakdown Sometimes Alone Magic Train The Actor Ever the Reason Pumpkinhead The Next Best Thing