
Front the Most Lyrics

Lyric by Damian Hess » Music by Damian Hess, Gabriel Alter, and David
T. Cheong » Keyboards: Gm7 » Drum programming: Baddd Spellah » Bass:
Blak Lotus » Drums: The Categorical Imperative » Djembe, Cajón: Kevin
Sport » Nightmare telephony: Randall Munroe
MC Frontalot is not installed,
so don't call 800-FRONT-4-ALL.
I'm off the ball of wax to rock the rough tracks.
Thumbtacks all up in the mix, so relax.
You know I hax a beat together like a slasher rampage.
MC Frontalot, inundated by the rhythm arrays.
Some days I brag, some days I boast.
24/7, I front the most.
You wouldn't think that I would front.
Most days, do nothing but
sit around dropping the lyrics into the drum cuts.
Buts, ands, ors? I hear naysay.
Don't play! MC Front'll get offended, go away.
Hey, there ain't no need to be real,
honk-honking on the sample like a trained m-seal,
we all seek a second stepping from the post.
24/7 I front, I front the most.
What am I, wrecking every break beat?
That could take eight weeks.
Only ever stop fronting to smoke bowls, take leaks,
and sleep. I catch a cat nap.
Sit in front the mic so much that my a** chaps.
Gaps [in the tape]: I was fronting in the other room,
boogalooing. Well, I wasn't, but I wanted to and
I'm going to rock the mic day and night till I give up the ghost.
2-4-7, I front the most.
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Handmade Demo v.1.0.2 (2002)
Mountain Kind Good Old Clyde Speed Queen Front the Most Listen Close Crime Spree Rewind That Back Nerdcore Hiphop Indier Than Thou Yellow Lasers Rappers We Crush 24 Hrs. (Draft) Listen Close (live) Nerdcore Hiphop (Ye Olde Skool remix)