
The Gap Lyrics

I won't go wilfully into Winter
I'll turn my diary to summertime
I never learnt not to tread on the lines
Is your glass half empty? Try to reply
Don't care for the idea more
mind the gap in your rose-tinted mentality

Your lights aglow and it looks fine
Why would your life cast a shadow on mine?
I am not content to rely on the stars
overcrowded with others dreams

Don't care for the idea more
Mind the gap in your rose-tinted mentality
A man's beliefs used against him
Here's a book to read that plays on your needs
I left him praying for my sins
not a true believer our strength is within

Don't care for the idea more
Mind the gap in your rose-tinted mentality
Troubles parade among air waves
A news stirring cry as every hour goes by
why oh why?
And when the latest swallows you whole
find a song in your Doris Day soul

Let these my thoughts be reality
Mind the gap in your picture book mentality
Let these my thoughts be reality
Mind the gap in your picture book mentality
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