
Allegiance Lyrics

You say we're evil, you say we're bad
these bullshit accusations make us very mad
we're proud National Socialists deep from our hearts
to keep our race pure we shall do our part
United we stand divided we'll fall
stand up all white men and answer your call
Because revolution is near and the battle is at hand
we must revolt now to regain our land

Wake up all you white men and show your face
vow your alligance to the master race
Load up your rifles and lace your boots
with this fight against us we must find our roots
We're not a trend we're force for the future
We're National Socialist Skinheads and we hail to the führer!
We're white men fighting for our race
We'll finish our foes with a boot to face
We want white power! we'll feel the glory
we'll fight till the death for white victory!
Wake up all you white men and show your face
vow your alligance to the master race
Load up your rifles and lace your boots
with this fight against us we must find our roots
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