
The Island Lyrics


Jay : Im on a higher level / n**** come and test the double barrel / Heavy metal / heading
for your chest / I even shoot the shadow /Put the pedal to the floor / carcrash / make
you rattle / Put a rapper on my Island / Nah, he will never settle / Im gettin' sentementle
/ see I'm just a tiny fellow / trying to make a living off of n***** that you cant handle
/ I got the power plus the energy to manhandle / Controlpanels that I operate with bad
bengals / Hit a n**** on his bad ankels / cause I be livin'on the hillside / my skill is too
mad / trangle / twist bones I be Kurt Angle / Cause I got Saxons and Anglos waiting to
Jay Chorus : So who is curious / Who wanna see us bust light like luminous / The crew of
the dualists / 1, 2, 3, now check how Im s******* it.
Jay: Im aggravated cut a n**** up and marinade m / everybody livin'on the Island I just
gotta hate m / Hell, Im the son of Satan livin'like an ancient pagan / The way I break
m the way I shake m / more than breathtakin' / My head achin'when n***** here start
collaborating / Gotta make a statement with the wrench and start renovating / Elevatin'/
penetratin' / Governments like Secret agents / Sarah Palin / Ima shoot the first p**** that
start hatin' / Start sprayin'like on Columbine I got no patience / nor appreciation for the
ones who think they're innovatin' / legislating / see I'm trouble like illegal Haitiens / Dope
D.o.D. here for maintenance!
Skits: I feel the sun without shades and lotion / livin on a rock in the middle of the ocean /
dancing with my ancient brethren / protectors of the sacred treasure / On the attack quick,
leaping through branches / after the pack chews pieces of cactus / for the enhancement,
increasing our senses / rocking a necklace with teeth of a dragons / I'm c***f of the tribe
that frightens the cowards / running the Island from my ivory towers / Mana powers, I
swim with the sharks / Tats of headhunts, where my skin has been marked / Venomous
darts, deployed to our units / we dip em in frogs with poisonous fluids / skin a man's
scalp, toying with humans / I heard they from "far" Im ignoring the rumors....
Skits Chorus: So who wanna die tonight? Who's gonna escape without using a guiding
light / the duo of dynamite, 1,2,3, feel the wrath of the silent type...
Skits: No where to run...every dart we shoot is fatal / some get kept alive, to get thrown
into vulcano's / hear the lava bubble as we pull ya through the jungle / diseases enter
open wounds during heavy struggle / I drag ya to the middle of the village with a cleaver
clutched / makin wifey watch as I chop her partners p**** off / the place where ferox
meets cannibal holocaust / the terrible stuff Cannibal Ox would bust / A cross of such,
seems propostarous / but trust the gods, D.O.D. Got that touch... / (Indigenous lyricists)
on the rocks... / The Island belongs to us....
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