
D.I. Go Pop Lyrics

for you i know i been raving about this story
starts (going/getting/???) to the dogs every night on the hour

ships carrying bands in their entourage
(off/live) to (see/seek) their fortune ??? ??? in america
we've been refused entry so many times we've lost count
so storm the way
(beaten/bitter/???) years
or thereabouts
maybe ??? ??? plays it safe
and have come to their senses
but we doubt it
cause the last (bar?) ??? ??? ???? ???? ??? ???
??? ???? ???? senses ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
an english type or style whose precautions
takes the whole d*** country with it
so when this country goes *pop* we'll have already done it

well the ship or the shore and the (crowds/crabs) are behind
but the result(edly?) fat ones who (want/warm/warn/??) the design

(expanding/standing?) behind us

and we were blocking their way
i had a limousine to take em away the b******s
(never/now we) had much money
and cars they were kinda cheap
so all were could afford was a broken down jeep
???/ ??? ??? ???? got if off rob
said he looked really sad (so/that) we sold it
but we went back to pick up a (badge?) and the engine exploded
then we walked across town to the hotel
where we were (booked?) to stay
but arrived to find ??? ??? ??? they turned us away
so we were left on the street
looking for a new place in which to stay
did it slightly remind us about checking out this brave new world ??? ??? ???
the first thing we wanted was to find a place
where we could buy something to eat
we were amazed walking back to find someone
had left a rubbish bag round in the street
as long as we got apples ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???
we've collapsed
as people walked(/watched?) by they kicked (us?) in the side
with their feet

??? ???? ???? (small books?)
religious fanatics who pushed their way in
to burn the heretics
books to be burnt
???? ???? ??haven't read them
it doesn't matter cause they knew what was in them
(why doing & why???)
when you've got to go never lead me astray
we passed a small boy who was covered in (blood?)
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? wicked ??? ???
the boy just ran off and we came to an alleyway
??? ??? ??? ??? see someone lying there
thought it was ??? worries ??? grab
realised it should ??? ?????? ?? stab
so we covered the body
and we called the police with ???? ??? ???
then we left ??? ??? ??? unsolveable crime ??? ??? ????

we ran away to a diner & went to a table and just sat and stared
what kind of a place are we in where nobody cares?
then the waitress came over to take our orders ??? ??? ???
and i asked her "we're all english - did you move here by choice?"
she looked at us strange so i told her our story and she ran off ??? ???
("?)you must have got on a ferry cause you never left england("?)
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