
Crushed Out Lyrics

I won't let you bother me
You'll never know what i am thinking
I won't get angry because
I cannot feel anything
My patience has been tried
Too many times beyond my counting
Now you yell at me
I cannot hear you anymore
I will take care of things
With all of what i am
I cannot gaurantee
I'll do as well again

Ever since this started
Anger has become my mother
Superego has died
Because she has taken over
My body hums from inside
I don't know what i am doing
I must control my hands
So that you can continue breathing
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Umani (1997)
Intre Drive Heroine Celcius Crushed Out Smiling Goodbye Dog Dreams Caroline Let Me Stay Here Stereopticon Snakefeet Shameless They Bite Julie Laughs Out Loud No One Else Will Sing Asleep and Dreaming