
Stories Lyrics

I remember quite clearly now when this story happened
The autumn leaves were floating and measured down to the ground
Recovering the lake where we used to swim like children
On the sun would dare to shine
That time we used to be happy But, I thought we were...
那時 我們真的好快樂......至少 我以為我們是的
But the truth was that - you had been longing to leave me
然而 事實的真相是 你早就想離我而去
Not daring to tell me
On that precious night watching the lake vaguely conscious
那夜在薄薄的意識中凝視著湖面 意識漸漸模糊
You said : our story was ending

Now I'm standing here no one to wipe away my tears
如今我原地佇立 沒有人幫我抹去眼淚
No one to keep me warm and no one to walk along with
沒有人讓我取暖 沒有人與我同行
No one to make me feel no one to make me hope
沒有人再令我感動 沒有人讓我覺得完整
Oh ! what am I to do ?
I'm standing here alone it doesn't seem so clear to me
我一人獨自佇立 渾然不之所以
What am I supposed to do about this burning heart of mine
On what am I to do,
Or how should I react ? oh tell me please !
喔!我該做些什麼? 該如何反應? 喔!誰能告訴我呢?
The rain was killing the last days of summer
一場大雨 結束了這個夏季
You had been killing my last breath of love
Since a long time ago..
I still don't think I'm gonna make it through another love story
You took it all away from me
And there I stand , I knew I was gonna be the...
The one left behind
我佇立原處 早知自己會被捨棄
But still I'm watching the lake vaguely conscious
然而 我仍凝望著湖面 意識漸漸模糊
And I know - my life is ending
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The Unheard of Chyi (2003)
船歌 All Souls Night Moonlight Flower 星星 答案 另一種星星 Vincent 一切都從這四個合弦開始 Where Have All the Flowers Gone? 給我的祝福 春天的故事 Windflower 飛鳥與魚 C'est la vie 你是我所有的回憶 歡顏 Memory (NG) Memory 加強記憶 橄欖樹 (清唱版) Forever 走在雨中 橄欖樹 有沒有這種說法 不要問我為什麼 Whoever Find This, I Love You 九月的高跟鞋 Stories 祝福 屬於愛情的... 李香蘭 錯過 最愛 七點鐘 Indescribable Night