
Stupid Games Lyrics

Here they stay both sides ready for fight,
baseball bats, gas, pistols and sharp knives,
reason why no one from them knows,
both think they'll win, but they'll again loose.
Stop wasting your time poor
children turn off this silly way,
left wing, right wing, f*** wing,
stop this stupid political games.

Here they stay both sides ready for fight,
baseball bats, gas, pistols and sharp knives,
reason why no one from them knows,
both think they'll win, but they'll again loose.
Stop wasting your time poor
children turn off this silly way,
left wing, right wing, f*** wing,
stop this stupid political games.

Stop wasting your time poor
children turn off this silly way,
left wing, right wing, f*** wing,
stop this stupid political games.
Stop wasting your time poor
children turn off this silly way,
left wing, right wing, f*** wing,
stop this stupid political games.
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Klenoty a odpadky (2007)
Na Slovensku Súčasť stroja Šikovný zlodej Prečo to tak vždycky skončí? Stupid Games Posledný mohykán Odpoveď Kde ste boli? Na to zabudni Len žiadne obavy Kolotoč Do toho! V piči Opica Time To Unite Kein Liebeslied Už to nebude zamatová Pozeráš Nestarajte sa! Odsúdený na život Nie je to tak zlé Niekto, kto na teba čaká Laci bang bang Sny sa už nenavrátia Pravda (neexistuje) Kam sa prachy podeli? Blbosť M.K. ml. je nevinný