
More Love Lyrics

We need to love each other our aidren
Hey Victa man
Give them love on your bass man
Give them love man
Listen to the man play the bass
He put love in the music man
Put more love in anything I and I do

Let us all sing together my brothers
la la la, la la la
la la la, la la la
la la la, la la la
Eveybody say
la la la, la la la
la la la, la la la
la la la, la la la
la la la
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A Show of Hands (1996)
U Can't Hold No Groove More Love Lotta Stuffis? The Vision Overjoyed Live for Peace A Show of Hands Not Like the Other Justice Medley Radio W-00-10 Classical Thump Keep Chargin' Me and My Bass Guitar Words of Wisdom