
Been Caught w***in' Lyrics

Your mother gives the bathroom door
A final and desperate yankin' -
I been caught w***in'
"What's taking so long?!" she'd implore
'Cept here's something she's not seen before
Oh man, you been caught w***in'
I been caught w***in'
It's probably pretty Freudian
But its happened to every man
I been caught w***in'
Someone walks too suddenly in
And you're left standin' with a silly grin
And your dodger's still in your hand

I just been readin' N.M.E
'Bout what lately has got cred
They been caught w***in'
Look, its true that it might just be me
But I tell you what, as far as I can see
They're massaging Kojak's head
They been caught w***in'
He's a bloke you could meet any day
Last names? - hey, just drop it
He been caught w***in'
"Tom and Nicole" he'll often say
In his own familiar nice bloke way
Hey Ray - get your hand off it
Been caught w***in'
We all saw the funeral for Lady Di
And didn't you just want to barf?
They been caught w***in'
The media all with their snouts in the sty
Crocodile tears caught in their eyes
You had to be heartless not to laugh
They been caught w***in'
Why is it just so hard not to gag
When a rock star adopts some big issue?
Rock star, caught w***in'
"No animal cruelty" they're likely to brag
But later they'll put a fish up some slag
For godsakes, who's taken all the tissues?
Rock star, caught w***in'

A bad boy image does no real harm
So by all means, go be caught stealin'
You been caught w***in'
Go be caught crackin' car alarms
Be caught with a needle stuck up your arm -
Just don't be caught with spoof on the ceilin'
Been caught w***in'
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www.tism.wanker.com (1998)
(There's Gonna Be) s** Tonite Whatareya? Dumb 'n' Base Thunderbirds Are Coming Out Been Caught w***in' Denial Works for Me The Parable of Glenn McGrath's Haircut I Might Be a c***, but I'm Not a f****** c*** Yob Great Expectorations A Hard-Earned Thirst Needs a Big Cold Beer, but I Drink to Get Pissed The Men's Room [untitled] Describe the Worst Head Job I've Had? - Fantastic! [untitled] The Last Australian Guitar Hero [untitled] Kate - Fischer of Men My Brilliant Huntington's Chorea [untitled] The Apology of the Thai Drug Runner [untitled] Julius Seizure (Act III, Scene II, Verses 73-118) Neighbours - Everybody Loves Good Neighbours [untitled] Opposite Day [untitled] Rebel Without a Paunch [untitled] The Only Thing Stopping Me From Being Happy Is That I'm Not More Depressed [untitled] Professor Derrida Deconstructs Ya Gotta Love That