
Let's Kill Sin! Lyrics

Verse 1:
Yo! let�s begin the discussion/
Because tim is disgusted/
With sin it�s destructive/
I�ll give the instructions/
So it�s not just a suggestion/
Sin is nothing to mess with/
Plus it�s deceptive/
Sin is like excrement covered in whip cream/
It looks sweet but we�ve discovered its sick scheme/
Its lavish passions has attractions/
That are acting like they give satisfaction/
It seems that it has more to offer/
Than the Lord who bought you/
But it�s sure to drop you/
It�s disappointing/
So we kill sin by the Spirit- every Christian has this anointing/
Only the Spirit can filter this filthiness/
Filling us with guilt instilled in ids, killing kids/
So while America�s at war in Iraq/
We war with our flesh- ready with our swords to attack.

So let�s deal with our anger and doubt/
By getting to the root of it and yanking it out/
Be militant and diligent/
When killing sin/
By the Spirit- LET�S KILL SIN/
Don�t provoke your flesh/
But choke to death/
The sin in your heart until there�s no more breath/
Be militant and diligent/
When killing sin/
By the Spirit- LET�S KILL SIN/

Verse 2:
So you came forth at a meeting/
Through the course of the evening/
To the altar call and prayed to the Lord that you need Him/
So now pick up your cross and follow the resurrected Christ/
For all of the rest of your life/
Can wicked fantasies/
Understand man this ain�t no handstamp Christianity/
Yet some folks seem to think they can continue in sin/
Because their forgiven in Him by no means/
Yeah we�re saved through faith in Christ- that�s it/
But if we�re saved then we�ll hate unrighteousness/
We praise God for His super amazing grace/
But killing sin is the fruit of our saving faith/
It�s no excuse that we�re totally depraved/
Because we�re united to Christ who rose up from the grave/
So being born from above/
Is not freedom for us to bug/
Just because Jesus poured His blood/
The Lamb- He was slain to cancel our blame/
So listen kids He commands we abstain from wickedness/
Christ was smashed when He took the wrath for us/
So to kill sin is the right reaction//
We�re not debtors to our flesh/
But to Him who resurrected us when we were headed to our death/
Be militant and diligent/
When killing sin/
By the Spirit- LET�S KILL SIN/
He redeemed us all on the cross/
So to grow in holiness is our reasonable response/
Be militant and diligent/
When killing sin/
By the Spirit- LET�S KILL SIN/

Verse 3:
Our new birth was purchased by Holy wrists/
But now He�s concerned by our own personal holiness/
Yet we�re proud and arrogant/
How dare us- when He�s given us Himself for undefiled inheritance/ Anger and jealousy that shouldn�t be found in Christians/
Just like slang in a spelling bee/
Sluggardly laziness/
That shouldn�t be named among us- just like nuns on a dating list/
We used to fuss obscene dudes who cussed/
But now we flee youthful l***- pursuing purity/
And faith love and peace- grace from our speech/
Saints we hug and greet- we�re using courtesy/
Satan�s our rival and he�s smart/
Take up your Bible and be sharp/
To amputate the idols in heart/
And be wise and surely hide His word inside/
So that when you�re tempted you don�t sin against Him/
Sow to the Spirit/
Don�t sow to the flesh by listening to inappropriate lyrics/
But stay on your face in prayer and take your cares/
To the Father and give Him thanks and praise Him there/
Stay accountable and well equipped/
Surround your soul with bountiful fellowship/
The only Son is patient/
He gives grace when we�re in need so we can overcome temptation/
Every night our defense is/
The whole armor of God- let�s live a life of repentance/
Running away from sin/
Because there�s infinitely more pleasure in Christ/
So give all your praise to Him.
He justified us/
So He�ll sanctify us/
The kingdom of God is to be taken by violence/
Be militant and diligent/
When killing sin/
By the Spirit- LET�S KILL SIN/
So let�s get violent with our sin/
Everyday we�re dying/
And we�re dying crucifying it again/
Be militant and diligent/
When killing sin/
By the Spirit- LET�S KILL SIN/
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