
Tyrant Lyrics

We're slaves to conditioning.
Hidden eyes judge us from the heavens,
unseen fingers choking
free will back down our throats.
You can never escape the foul presence of christianity. And to ignore the divine contradictions,
and to reject a fictitious morality,
and to scorn superstitions,
and to put your faith in logic
this is the path to your d***ation.
And you shall know them by the fruit they bear:
intolerance, manipulation, genocide.
All in the name
of a god conjured in the imaginations
and machinations of men.
How dejected and unfulfilled.
Look to me in hate, pity or indifference-
-but don't expect longing or acceptance in these eyes, or in these words-
-not for your pompous egotism,
boisterous moral posturing,
righteous indignation,
or resignation to constant suffering.
I would rather
burn in hell
than cling to
man-made falsehoods.
I would rather
live in constant doubt
and fear,
expecting an unfeeling abyss
than embrace false hope
or extravagant fairy tales.
There is no great shaper in the heavens.
Nothingness awaits.
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