
Bird in a Cage Lyrics

You"re a bird in a cage

Winchester geese will be your trade
I put my daughter on the street

Bait the hook and money reap

So the old men they do come

Buy you flowers and have fun

No one there protected you

Your dad"s happy that you"re used

She was born in the big city

In the middle of a slum

My name"s Shig, pass for her papa,

A harlot was her mum
Flower-seller on the street there

You, the outcast, they all stare

Selling flowers open wide

In this town with no pride

You"re a child, you do try

Watching others watch them die

For 20 years you"ll survive
'Buy my flowers,' you will cry

Shunning found her on the street

Selling flowers looking sweet

She smiled, he licked his lips

Shun his l*** hits

Selling flowers every day

Your soul d***ed so they say

So pretty soon your life is done

All that l*** has been and come
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Lulu - A Murder Ballad (2014)
Daughter Bird in a Cage Gates of Hell Violin Dr. Goll Mirror Suicide Court Jester Shunning Daddy Clown Poor Lulu Pimp's the Name Flowers Albion Hey Jack Jack My Heart Belongs to Daddy