
Sleep Is a Celebration Lyrics

Please, beg me to sleep
Because, oh, this is my dream.
I've stepped inside my host's abode.
Please beg me to sleep
Because I continue to dream
At the arrival of his guests in droves.
When the party begins
There is music of quickened strings
And melodies of endless delight.
The musicians play the song
While the ghosts sing along
And their voices set sail over the night.
I sat down at the feast
Once the playing had ceased
To come across the face of that beautiful girl.
She stared straight into my eyes
Although I wasn't bothered by
Her deliberate, yet delicate words.
Please, beg me to sleep!
Praise the kindness of our host!
Please, beg me to sleep!

Once the party resumed
You could hear the player's tune
Perpetual and persistent to the end.
Joined by the tapping of the rain
They kept time like picture frames
Each drop broke up the beat on each descent.
And so the dancer's**** the floor
Begging to the players, "More!
We want to feel the beat inside our bones!"
This made the sound grow louder still
And with joy their hearts were filled,
For the sound that filled the room was now their own.
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