
What a Feeling Lyrics

What a feeling, what a feeling,
I can have it all now I'm dancin' for my life.

What a feeling, what a feeling, what a feeling,
What a feeling, bein's believin' what a feeling,
What a feeling, bein's believin' what a feeling.
I can have it all now I'm dancin' for my life.
Take your passion, and make it happen,
Pictures come alive, you can dance right through your life.

uuuua (oh oh oh what a feeling), I can have it all, (please believe it), please believe it,

uuuua oh oh oh
What a feeling, please believe it,
What a feeling, please believe it.
What a feeling (I am music now),
bein's believin' (I am rhythm now)
Pictures come alive, you can dance right through your life.

Take your passion, and make it happen,
Pictures come alive, you can dance right through your life.
Uuuua (oh oh oh what a feeling), I can have it all, (bein's believin')

What a feeling, bein's believin

What a feeling, bein's believin

What a feeling,

What a feeling, (please believe it)

What a feeling,
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