
A Worldview Arises Lyrics

Feeble humans, insipid life forms, trying to understand
what isn"t in their hands, waiting for a solution, how pa-
thetic, what have we done? Imperfect puppets with the
need to be reconstructed from their deepest nature, evo-
lution will never be accomplished, but hope isn"t gone
yet, we won"t give up on them, the chains need to be
broken. Teaching the impulses, domesticate the wilds,
they will rise up, they will shine for us. Blinded followers
of our orders, keepers of our dreams, capable to die for
us, limited intellect, trusting in darkest hearts. Corrup-
ting the minds, reaching for the human heartstrings, mo-
difying at our will, without understanding of this cha-
llenge. What is reality for these poor humans? Explai-
ning their existence, thinking they have meaning or
poses. A wave of divinities came through their mind foo-
ling themselves of the whole truth, hope humans will be
a proud representation of us. We are forcing our will,
making conscience in hopeless creatures, this picture
could be perfect, it has to. Now we are leaving them by
themselves hoping for the best. Make a progressive evo-
lution, don"t fail us. Proudly we can be called 'Gods' of
a new era until the galaxies join us together.
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Pillars of Creation (2013)
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