
Autumn Leaves Lyrics

Winter season is my paradise
Soon to come, the sun is gone
The air is filled with frost
Autumn leaves are falling again
Clouds as dark as neverbefore
Come with me my love - to paradise

They cru for me my absurd thoughts
The battle of my insane thoughts
So will I die with you in my arms

I had a vision
Me and you in endless joy and birth of a boy
Like paradise on earth
You and me and our first born son
As I walked along the streets I saw it all so clear
and we both had succeeded

You are a waterlilly and I a sunflower
Happy in our old days sitting in the park
Feeding the doves, thinking of our early days

Come with me Love me Now
Take my hand Hate me Now

Do you want to live with me Always
I will be brave and love you Always
Share joy and sadness through life Always
I won't stay now and lose you Someday

Come with me Stay with me I love you
Laugh with me Cry with me I love you
Take me now Love me now

I'll be your guardian angel, our life will be full of joy
Come with me now and feel the air, so cold and fresh
Watch the autumn leaves falling down to the earth
or fly away with the wind

Memento Mori
Mors Ultima Rerum Est
Carpe Diem

Autumn Leaves
Don't leave me
My waterlilly
Don't leave me
Report lyrics
In My Dreams... I Am Armageddon (1998)