
In Defense of a Threepenny Purse Lyrics

Gas lamp gone, I stumble, sneeze. The dust in darkness makes me wheeze and fidgets in my fingers flipping files that start with "f" I'll set alight.

Ha'penny gone from a threepenny purse!
No room for rum when taxes come first!
Alfreds and Davids and t**les and writs!
Yanked from their holes and rendered to bits!
I'll burn the Lord Mayor asleep in his bed
If he's dreaming my name as a number, instead!
I'm well done with fines; I'll no longer be traced!
My own, and all "f's" in town hall are erased!
Mrs. Fisk is now a maiden. Mary Fenton not deceased. And Arthur Fuller's fortune's bound for probate lest he file a brand new will.
An evening fire, a high-backed chair... I burn away the coiling ink of a magistrate...

Sunlight wipes the sleep from cobblestones. I tumble ditchwards, laughing. Next time taxes come around, I'll tip my hat and drink three penn'orth rum.
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An Entire Wardrobe of Doubt and Uncertainty (disc 1) (2006)