
Expire Lyrics

The system is now free

Witness our obsolescence, end sparks of life
A new species can never fathom... how quickly it will be extinct?
The system is now free from error
The system revokes our viral form
Silence becomes primary language
Internal wave, undulate us home.

This system is now free from error.

This system is now free...

Removed from the earth...
Like a scourge... with a delicate and yet powerful hand
Removed from the earth...
Like a scourge... with a delicate and...

Removed from the earth...

Idle boundaries allow admission to pull this world apart...
From the inside.

Idle boundaries to pull this world apart...
From the inside.
Equilibrium has been disturbed... and the surface must collapse
Compacted star, the only destination
Unavoidable, paradigm.

The radiant sun engraves it's name...
Unavoidable, paradigm.

The radiant sun engraves it's name...

The radiant sun engraves it's name...
Unavoidable, paradigm.
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