
Sweet Revenge Lyrics

Well maybe Mister alcohol has booted up your chin

I find it leads to hospital and informing the next of kin
But trying to get your own back should never (win anyway?)

Why don't you take ya (tack?), Jack and hear me when I say

Sweet Sweet Revenge

She carries a bitter sting

You go round believing in her

But she won't bring a thing
Well, I could well remember when My (cool?) days back at school ooh yeah yeah You hit him, he hits you back

Well, that is all the rules

So my days were occupied yeah

By vendettas all the time
Any stain upon the floor the blood was always mine

Sweet Sweet Revenge

She carries a bitter sting

You go round believing in her

But she won't bring a thing

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Elgin Avenue Breakdown (1981)
Letsagetabitarockin Silent Telephone Monkey Business Shake Your Hips Junco Partner Don't Let Go Motor Boys Motor Sweety of the St. Moritz Surf City Keys to Your Heart Sweet Revenge Gloria Rabies